A robust 5-finger glove for hiking, ski touring, hunting and outdoor activities in chilly weather. It has a removable soft merino wool liner that’s easy to wash and dry. The backhand of the outer glove is in weather-resistant stretch fabric while the palm is in goatskin for good grip around poles and other outdoor equipment.
A hardwearing outdoor activity glove equipped with well-designed details for the great outdoors in chilly weather. Sewn in sturdy, weather-resistant stretch fabric and goatskin with external seams for good grip. The inside of the removable merino wool liner is well insulated in a terry knit. The liner is easy to wash and dry and can also be replaced with a thinner liner at higher activity levels. The medium-high cuff has a leather pull tab. A carabiner and eyelet mean you can secure the glove to belt loops or a rucksack. There is also a finger loop to hang it upside down, practical for avoiding rain and snow getting in. A comfortable, warming outdoor companion perfect for hiking, hunting, bushcraft and other outdoor activities in the colder months of the year. Also available as a mitten with a longer cuff.
Hestra Highland Glove 5 Finger - Dark Forest
- Outdoors