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Lake Landscape
  • Via ferrata lanyard with EASHOOK carabiners and anti-twist system


    The SCORPIO EASHOOK via ferrata lanyard is designed for users weighing 40 to 120 kg, in compliance with the EN 958:2017 standard. It is equipped with two EASHOOK carabiners with a wide opening that adapt to all hand sizes. The two retractable arms are equipped with an anti-twist system for more comfort. Its great durability is well suited for regular rental use in parks.

    Petzl - Scorpio Eashook

    SKU: L060BA00
    £114.99 Regular Price
    £91.99Sale Price
    Only 1 left in stock
      • Lanyard for users weighing 40 to 120 kg: 
        - lanyard conforms to the EN 958 standard: 2017, for a wide range of weights of users 
        - two elasticized arms have long extension capacity to adapt to all shapes 
      • Comfort: 
        - ultra-compact absorption-by-tearing system (Petzl patent) 
        - short connection of lanyard to the harness limits interference when walking 
        - two elasticized arms are mounted on a SWIVEL anti-twist system to facilitate manipulations
        - short arm can be used for resting on a rung 
        - EASHOOK captive carabiners with automatic locking system, adapt to all hand sizes 
      • Durable design for intensive use: 
        - zippered protective storage case protects the energy absorber 
        - retractable HMPE (high-modulus polyethylene) arms and aluminum carabiners are very durable 
        - designed for greater comfort and intensive use (groups)
      • Length of lanyard (without carabiners): - retracted: 84.5 cm - extended: 115.5 cm - short arm: 36 cm 
      • Material(s): high-modulus polyethylene, polyester, aluminum 
      • Weight: 470g
      • Guarentee: 3 years
      • Certification(s): CE EN 958 : 2017, VG11 2013, UKCA, UIAA 
      • Carabiners: CE EN 12275 type K, UIAA
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