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Lake Landscape
  • Start a fire or light your stove in all weather conditions.


    Avoid the hassle of dealing with matches and lighters that go out in windy weather and get a spark with a simple click of a button.


    This lightweight fire-starting option can be carried with you pretty much anywhere. Stash this streamlined igniter in a pocket (or with your stove) and pull out when you are ready to lite up a campfire or stove. The gas inlet openings at the tip ensure safety while the sleek design is easy to use when wearing gloves.


    Works with all Primus stoves.


    WARNING: Piezo Igniters become a bit “finicky” at high altitude. If traveling in the high-country we would recommend a secondary way to start a fire.

    Primus - Piezo Igniter T-Style

    SKU: P737460
    £16.00 Regular Price
    £12.80Sale Price
    Only 4 left in stock
      • Water-resistant and works in wet conditions – even rain and snow
      • A spark with a simple click of a button
      • Designed for use even when wearing gloves
      • Invented in Sweden
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