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Lake Landscape
  • Bushcraft axe which will prove perfect for wood-cutting on any camping trip. The glass-filled nylon is durable, comfortable and lightweight, which allows the axe to be easier to transport. This also means that the axe can be made the smoothest and the shapest as possible; indeed, it is forged with carbon steel with PTFE coating which will allow effortless wood-cutting, as well as long life with corrosion-resistance.


    Robens - Dixie Axe 9"

    SKU: 690250
    £22.99 Regular Price
    £17.24Sale Price
    Only 4 left in stock
      • Material: Glass-filled nylon / forged carbon steel
      • Size: 22.8 x 2 x 12 cm (LxWxH)
      • Colour: Brown
      • Weight: 550 g
      • Item number: 690250
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