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Lake Landscape
  • Have you ever woken up in a warm tent after a cold night, and experienced that the walls feel almost wet? That’s condensation – a natural phenomenon that happens when moisture in the air hits the cold walls or floor of the tent and turns to liquid as it cools.

    The air inside your tent can fill with moisture from several sources – your breath, wet clothes and gear, or humidity in the air.

    Thule - Anti-Condensation Mat - Foothill

    SKU: 901873
    £129.99 Regular Price
    £65.00Sale Price
    Estimated delivery 2 - 3 Weeks
      • Allow under-mattress ventilation and prevent moisture from building up under the mattress
      • Made of high-quality spacer mesh to help to allow air to circulate under your mattress and allow moisture to escape
      • Provides an extra layer of comfort by adding another centimetre of cushion below your mattress
      • Compatible with Thule Tepui Foothill roof top tent
      • Mattress size: 47" x 84"  /  119 x 213 cm
      • Colour: White
      • Thule model number: 901873
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